My birth story!


Thursday night 1am on the 4th august, I wake up feeling very dull pains in my back and my front, I thought they was braxton hicks as I never lost my mucus plug or waters. I didn't have any signs except contractions. I was tossing and turning all night not being able to sleep. I was totally in denial, my psrter ask me if I was in labour and I said no there just bad braxton hicks🤷‍♀️. My partner went to work at 4, and I notice them getting stronger and stronger, by 6am I was timing them and they were getting 10mins apart. So I decided to ring my partner and tell him I think im in labour, I rang the hospital and explain my symptoms and they wanted to see my due to also not feeling my little one move either. I get to the hospital by 11, and get monitored they realised I was contracting! But they were irregular, so they checked my cervix and realised I was 4cm dilated and 100% fully effaced. I was still in denial and said hey where lying😂 I was admitted and had to stay in to keep monitoring me. 2 days go by and no improvement, kept at 4cm but contractions where getting stronger and stronger. I was giving paracetamol and codeine for the pain but wasn't really touching it! Sunday night, they had a bit of a panic as baby wasn't moving and I was contracting every minute without a break, so they gave me an injection to slow things down, I got rushed to the delivery unit again, my partner went home by this point to grab a few things! So me ringing him jn a panic telling him to get this arse to the hospital as she could come any minute. I had pethidine and manage to get a an hours sleep, as I only had 4hours in the 3days I was in. I wake up Monday 8th August, at 4.30 having the urge to push! I didn't have any other pain relief, and the pethidine wore off by then. My waters broke as I was pushing, and then as I push again my waters broke again soaking a nuse from head to hips🤦‍♀️😂. By 6.29 my little girl arrived, 34weeks 5days. She spend 2 weeks in nicu and now is home, she's perfect and we're so inlove with her🥰