My double rainbow baby is here 🤍🌈


I was to be induced on Monday September 13th but my daughter had other plans for two weeks I was 2 cm dialted and 50 % effaced. Rewind back to September 8th I had my routine NST (Non Stress Test) that morning as I did every Monday and Thursday. My OB checked me and I was 3 cm dialted and 90 % effaced. So he sent me home since I was only 38 weeks 5 days that day. I went to the hospital 3 different times that day because I had some heavy bleeding the first time. They checked me out and sent me home. The second time I had ran a bath and was about to get in when what I had felt like my water broke. They did the test to see if my water did break it came back negative. Mind you I got sent home again. I went back in for a third time a few hours later because my contractions were picking up and I had a horrible migraine. After a few hours I get admitted but the nurse said it's up to my OB if he'll induce me early or not since they don't like to induce before 39 weeks. Mind you by this time I was 38 weeks 6 days. Fast forward to no sleep that night to in the morning when my OB came in. He said he's admitting me and we are inducing me September 9th instead of the 13th he told me since I had come back 3 times to the hospital it was time. So he checked me and I was 4 cm dialted and 100% effaced. They started me on pitocin at 9:30 AM and by 3:00 PM my OB broke my water that's were things really intensified. I went from 4 cm dialted to a 10 in less than two hours. By 5:15 my daughter Inessa Rose was born and I only pushed for 15 minutes. She had some jaundice so we had to stay in the hospital a few extra days. But my baby girl is healthy and so beautiful. 🤍

(P.S she's also 2 weeks old today)