I did it!


Unfortunately my birthing experience didn't go the way planned but she's here and she's perfect. I was induced at 10:30pm on 9/22 via Foley balloon due to pre-eclampsia. That fell out at 1:30, I'd dilated to a 5. I did get iv pain meds, got a little sleep. At about 6am the contractions started to get stronger. At 8:30 am on 9/23 they broke my waters. It was a bit of an ordeal, my midwife said it was one of the strongest membranes she's ever ruptured. At 12:11pm my beautiful girl was born. Her cord was wrapped tightly around her neck and she had pooped inside before they ruptured my membranes. They put her on me and realized she wasn't breathing even though her heart rate was good. I was so scared. But I did it without an epidural. This little girl. They got her breathing and she opened her eyes right away. Lifted her head up. Said she's one of the strongest they'd seen in awhile. She wasn't maintaining her temp and the nurse put her in the warmer and she was trying to wrap her arms and legs around the nurses arm and she has rolled over on her side from a few hours old. Now the big thing we have to work on is nursing. She's super aggressive and something is wrong with her latch. She's torn my nipples up. They are bleeding so bad. So im going to get a shield to see if we can correct her latch and wean her off. She's not handling formula and refusing it so something needs to give. But she seems healthy and happy so I'll take it! She is #4 and I think I may be 100% done even though we wanted 1 more way later on.