Where do I start


First time mama here. Getting pregnant was difficult for me. 6 years of trying, countless medications and finally <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> worked ( last transfer last embryo).

21 weeks pregnant and I don’t know why but I think I am upset or just depressed. Baby is fine, we are having a little girl and I am just more thankful than happy.

I have spent so many days so many months so many years just making plans or preparations on what to do for next cycle to get pregnant that now I have absolutely no idea what to do.

I need maternity pants and also start planning for baby room baby furniture baby clothes but when me and my husband go out to shop I just make excuses that we still have time or I will order online. I think I am just not getting connected or attached to my pregnancy. I should be happy but I am not.

I don’t know wr to start. What should I do first?

I don’t know how to do this…

What’s wrong with me?