norovirus 35 weeks

I’ll be exactly 35 weeks tomorrow. I posted earlier about not having ate since 2:30PM yesterday with some sharp stomach pains, nausea, etc. I went to L&D earlier today to be monitored I was given Tylenol and zofran. I was also contracting every 5-6 minutes apart but they said that could be due to dehydration and discharged me.

Since leaving the hospital around 5PM I tried eating broccoli cheddar soup, fresh fruit, and a sandwich from Panera. I have also been drinking water. Since then I’ve thrown up 4 times. I wasn’t diagnosed with norovirus although I do in-home daycare and have had an outbreak at daycare before and I caught it. Thinking back on those symptoms that’s exactly how I’m feeling again. My question is should I go back to L&D? Should I just rest and keep trying to keep hydrated?