So angry!


So a few days ago..I found out that my husbands been watching porn a lot! I confronted him, of course he lied and said it was so long ago.. but of course it wasn't. I asked him what waa going on.. he said he's a man with needs and since I've been so tired maybe I'm the problem here. What in the actual fuck is this man talking about!? Of course i'm tired you dick head! We have 3 kids together!!! Our 9 year old being the oldest..a 5 year old and 15 month old! I breastfeed the baby, help kids with homework, clean and cook, laundry. You are DAMN right i'm tired dumb ass!!! And then in OUR HOME you're watching porn at all hours while i'm struggling to keep up with the kids and house duties!? WHAT THE FUCK! Oh Lord I pray i find forgiveness on this before I open a can of whoop ass!!!!! "BEcaUSE yOu ArE AlWAyS sO tIREd" ... what a prick!!!!