Welcome to the world little one!


After finding out my water had a slow leak and being induced for babys safety, I spent about 8 hours in labor with this sweet precious angel. I would like to introduce my little Luna <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, every baby is worth all the pain it takes to bring them into the world ❤️ born on 9/22/22 5lbs 12.8oz coming home from NICU in 1-2 days ❤️❤️

I did get the epidural, but only because I've had no pain intervention at all in my first birth, and IV pain meds in my second, this one somehow was more painful, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. My fiance stayed home with our 3 year old and his oldest kids, and my best friend of 22 years stayed by my side and helped me get through it. Also why did no one tell me about spaghetti legs lol, I had to have nurses help me off the floor because they instructed me to try and carefully get in the bed to see if I could hold my own, and I felt like my legs were uncontrollable and just slowly fell.

Any other 9/22/22 babies? Tell me how was your labor I'd love to hear about everyone else's experiences regardless because I'm fascinated how it all varies so much.