Hormone results indicate zero abnormalities / so why can’t I get pregnant 😭

I had an in-depth hormone panel done and every single test came back in the “normal” range. Doc said I had an “average” number of eggs as well.

I’ve been trying for 17 cycles over the course of almost 2 years now. I took some breaks in between for mental health reasons, it was emotionally draining to keep trying back to back.

I have conflicting feelings about my “normal” results. Part of me is definitely relieved that I don’t have a hormone imbalance or any other type of medical setbacks. But the other part of me is confused and still wanting answers. Why am I not getting pregnant if i’m “healthy” 😭

We have tried everything, natural tracking, opk tests, pre-seed, cycles with no artificial help and cycles with full blown prenatal and vitamins.

Ugh, I guess at this point it is all in Gods timing