Confused after ruptured ovarian cyst and positive hpt


So on Saturday I took a pregnancy test, it was immediately positive (I can post picture in comments if anyone would like to see it) the next day I was picking up laundry and started cramping, within minutes the cramps were unbearable and pain was radiating into my back so I went to the ER. At the emergency room they did blood work and an ultrasound and told me that I in fact am not pregnant but that I did have an ovarian cyst rupture and had some free floating fluid in my pelvis. The doctor I seen told me that sometimes if your urine is concentrated it can cause an hpt to be positive when you aren’t actually pregnant. (I’ve never heard of this) so here’s where I’m confused, google can’t give me any answers or insight, ovarian cysts rupture so that you can ovulate, and it ruptured 1 day after my predicted ovulation date, if I had sex 2 days before the cyst ruptured, would I still get pregnant? I’m not familiar with how cysts work. Could I still have a chance of being pregnant this month?