Was this sexual assault


For reference I’m 17 and this happened between the ages of 7-8.

My grandparents used to foster kids when I was younger there was this one boy who had mild learning difficulties and they had him from the age of 11-18. When this happened he was 15.

My grandparents have a caravan that I used to spend my summer holidays at and one day I was sitting on the sofa with him alone and he started touching my bum I said no but he did it again until I walked away. The next day he came up behind me and squeezed my left bum cheek twice I again said stop. Moving on to Christmas that year I was playing in his room when he came in and told me to lie on the bed with my legs apart ( I was fully clothed) then he lied on top of me and started humping me. Am I over reacting if not what was it and was it actually illegally because he has a learning difficulties

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