Should I test already?


So the last two days… oof. I don’t feel any different other than so tired. I slept 18 hours yesterday because I just couldn’t wake up. I’m so tired! Given, a lot. Lot. Has been going on. My period is expected on the 5th and it always shows up within a day of that prediction.

I’m not tracking anything else because it’s too much stress for me personally.

I have 4 rapid result FRER and two pink clearblues. The rapids were supposed to be early result but I DoorDashed so what can you expect 😂

I’m 4 days out, could that show anything if being this tired is from pregnancy? I can’t remember the last time I was THIS tired. Coffee isn’t even helping.

I did do opks and had a peak on 9/19 that went back down by the end of the day. I’m not even sure if it peaked long enough for ovulation but I’m no scientist. Anyway. Thoughts?

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