My Story


I haven’t really talked about the birth of my daughter but I had her a week ago and it was traumatic.

I went into labor at 36 weeks & 6 days, I was at work & began bleeding. Went to l&d & they said my membranes ruptured & she believed I had a high leak & wanted to induce me to decrease the changed of infection & I was 2cm dilated. I agreed to it.

Shortly after they started the induction, I started having issues. I was having coupling contractions & my hip kept hurting.

Then next day, I was at a 2 for what seemed like forever then finally progressed to a 4 but then ended up stalling for hours there so they suggested an epidural to “call me down/relax me” so labor could progress. So I agreed to it. Few hours later a 7. Another few hours a 9. But at the same time the epidural failed & my hip kept hurting so bad. They said it was the position of the baby & kept changing positions to help move her.

6 hours at being at a 9, they said it’s time to do a C-section. I was so scared & didn’t want one but with being in labor close to 36 hours, my chances of infection were high. So I agreed to it.

During the C-section, I couldn’t stop shaking from the meds, I was throwing up, & could hear everything being said. My baby was stuck & they had to suction her. I was so scared she wouldn’t be okay. But when I heard her cry I was so relieved. I then ended up passing out.

My next memory was being in recovery & them trying to get me to hold my baby but I couldn’t. I was so out of it & shaking, & went back to sleep. I kept trying to wake up to check on my husband & baby but it was so hard for me to. But when I finally got to hold her, I was so relieved & happy.

Fast forward a week, I’m back in the hospital due to an infection on my surgical site. Day 3 & still don’t know what type & on iv antibiotics. I just want to cry. I don’t understand why all the complications had to happen & why I’m back I’m back in the hospital. But I have my daughter & husband here with me &’praying we get to go home soon.