3 evaporated lines or faint lines


I’ve currently done 3 tests one 8, 9 and 11 days dpo. The clear blue one was the first and the line showed up around 10 mins and read about evaporated lines so thought best buy another brand. So went bots and brought 3 more tests. Did the first response next and didn’t see a line so though I was negative but haven’t felt right so did a test this morning with the morning first wee and saw a faint line within 3 mins and then I went back after it has got darker. I will go chemist a buy a few more. However I surely can’t be that unlucky to have 3 false positives (however you can never say never) fingers and toes crossed.

I’ve taken a digital CB test today and it’s positive 1-2 weeks. Had a lot stomach cramp today though and funny taste in my mouth.