What is going on in my body?!?


Hey all

So this is our 4th cycle TTC. First cycle I ended up with a chemical pregnancy, and 2nd and 3rd cycles didn’t result in anything. This cycle (4th) has been weird. I use a combo of Easy@Home strips and Clear Blue digital advanced ovulation kit to track my ovulation. I usually ovulate somewhere between day 14-16. I started testing around day 10 as it tells you to. On days 12-16 I got flashing smiley faces on the clear blue digital, despite showing low on the test strips. Finally on day 17 my numbers went up on the strips and clear blue gave me the solid smiley face for days 17-19. Peak was on CD19 so I ovulated (or should have) on CD20.

I’m now 4DPO and CD24. My cycles are usually only 28-30 days long but I was told that since I ovulated late, my period will likely be late accordingly.

I know it’s too early to start experiencing symptoms, but I swear I just feel off in a way that I don’t normally. I’m bloated, specifically in my front pelvis region and it feels tight down there when I stand up straight. I’ve been super constipated and have had minor cramps for the last 2 1/2 days. My skin is very angry with me and I’ve also been sleeping horribly and having super vivid dreams. Could this be a sign of something happening? I’m only 4DPO but is it possible that I ovulated before my peak or that I could already be experiencing symptoms?