26 weeks pregnant and im not doing well


hey girls! so I started yesturday morning every time I would use the bathroom I would see a little blood in my normal discharge when I wipe. i starter to have alot of pain in my lowerr stomach and back and my legs and also a horrible headache. i was told to go to emergancy room. i went to emergancy room and they put me on the machine to check for contractions. they said i wasnt contracting but i was feeling tightness and pain in my stomach. the nurse told me its hard to pick them up this early. they checked my cervic i was 1 cm dialted but they said that can be normal because i have had kids before. The doctor did fetal fibronectin tes on me and it came back postive. she said sometimes when you have any kind of bleeding you can get a false postive.

a little about the test:

Positive: This means fibronectin inside your uterus is weakening. This is a sign that the mother is at an increased risk of premature delivery. Specifically, if the test comes out to be positive within 22 to 34 weeks of pregnancy then the mother is likely to deliver within seven days.

i went home and the whole night i was having contraction like pain, i timed them from 10:30pm to 11:00pm and noticed it was a pattern three minutes apart. i was tossing and turning in pain all night😢 today when i woke up to use the bathroom this is what i saw.

has anyone experienced anything like this😪