Assisted delivery nightmare

Hi I’m new here and was wondering if anyone has had forceps delivery go badly…I was left in labour and pushing for 6 hours before they decided to deliver my ‘small’ baby via forceps. Baby thankfully is fine, even though he was tiny but I’m left with bad complications. I ended up with 3rd degree tear plus an additional ‘buttonhole’ tear which all got stitched up then. It’s been agony whilst healing but I’m now left with this rectovaginal fistula where the ‘buttonhole’ tear has broken down and I’m passing wind and faeces from the vagina…physically and emotionally it’s a lot to deal with whilst caring for a newborn who’s not latched on so I’m expressing (trying to anyway) and tipping him up with formula.

It will be helpful if anyone out there has had similar problems and how they are coping with it.