Pregnancy after blighted ovum


Hi ladies

I am in desperate need of some positive feedback. I had a blighted ovum earlier this year in March and a DNC in April since my body wasn't letting go. I am now almost 9 weeks pregnant and already had a ultrasound at 6 weeks were we saw our tiny baby with CRL at 2.7mm and heard it's heartbeat at 103bpm. However, I am still freaking out that something is not right as I only had mild nausea occasionally and no other real pregnancy symptoms.. in fact I don't feel pregnant at all 🤦🏻‍♀️ My next ultrasound is on Friday where I will be exactly 9 weeks and my anxiety and stress levels is sky high!! I am terrified of another missed miscarriage. Anyone been in a similar situation as me and had a healthy pregnancy?

Please help 🥺