Help me understand, please! Confused?


I need help. Please help me? Any opinions or advice is VERY much appreciated!!

I thought I was pregnant last month, I kept getting faint lines but it seemed to get darker. Then suddenly, the lines kept getting fainter and I got my period. My period was lighter than normal but still kinda heavy. But unusually light for me! Fast forward to now. I'm ovulating or I assume so, I have the ovulation cramps and LOTS of ewcm (plan on bd tonight!) But I took a pregnancy test today and got a faint line?? I only took one because my bbs are so sore and Im peeing a lot more than normal. Here's the test... Because I'm genuinely confused... I know tests aren't allowed but I really need y'all to look at it and tell me if it's an indent? It showed up in the time frame (like last months). I really don't understand what's going on... Any.. I mean ANY advice or opinions is greatly appreciated. Is this just a bad indent? Had this happened to anyone? I have PCOS so idk if that has anything to do with it??

I'm so frustrated 😫😩🥴 Thank you!!!

Here's the test...