Lost virginity to tinder date

Last night I (18 yrs old) lost my virginity to a guy I met on Tinder. We’ve been on three dates and it kind of just happened, it definitely wasn’t planned at all it was more of an the moment kind of thing. We didn’t use a condom (I wasn’t thinking). I don’t regret us having sex but I’ve always envisioned myself losing my virginity to someone Im in a relationship with. I’m also concerned about how me and his relationship will be now. We’re still in the process of getting to know eachother and us having sex kind of makes me think there’s no hope for a relationship just hookups. He sent me this text but I don’t know how to feel about it. He’s a really sweet guy and I still would want to see him I just feel like I made a complete fool of myself. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Could you guys leave some advice? Also please don’t shame me for my impulsive decision.