
At my daughters 3 year old visit I brought up sensory issues.  Head banging, hand rubbing, fear of loud noises, heightened sense of smell and touch. Her pediatrian was out on maternity leave but the replacement we saw agreed it needed to be looked into further. We were sent to Occupational Therapy a few weeks later.

First visit they agree she has some sensory issues. They have her stack blocks and she will only stack 3. Which is weird to me because at home she's stacking 20+ blocks no problem. (I asked her in the car why. She said "I have blocks at home and didn't want to play") they sign her up for two days a week each 30 minute sessions.

Next visit she's paired with a therapist. I sit in and there's instantly a connection. I feel good about everything going on. She gets to play in the gym on various different equipment like the rock wall, sand pit, ball bouncing. Next visit they want me to sit in the waiting room.  I'm not too happy but I don't want to be in the way of progress. They finish up and the therapist comes out and saying she did good she colored. That's all, a 2 second talk and we're out the door. So fast foward a few weeks. She doesn't get to do the gym anymore. Instead she's coming out of sessions with worksheets that are kindergarten level work. They say she isn't great at cutting or tracing curvy lines. Okay? She just turned 3.

At the end of one session the therapist comes out and says she did great sitting at the desk today. I was so confused. Sitting was never an issue but okay. Each session she would come out with more and more busy work style papers. I finally ask what's going to be done about her sensory issues they seem worse. I mean she's banging her head when she's upset and she's been given scissors?? They say right now we're working on fine motor skills. Which have never been an issue/concern. Her giving herself black eyes is my main concern right now.  Her therapist then says they want to put her in speech therapy. Her speech has never been an issue. She's always been great at speaking. She says words that are way advanced and no one has ever had trouble understanding her. I reluctantly agree to just the evaluation. Evaluation comes and they say she's great at speaking. She even got some of the answers that no other kids got exact words from the therapist.  At the end she said she doesn't think she needs speech. Great.

The next day I get a call from the director. On the other side of the building is a daycare. They say they have an opening four days a week for three hours a day where she can also do her therapy. I told them I wasn't interested. Day after  I get a call about them scheduling speech therapy after each OT session. I'm so confused. I was just told she didn't need it. I decided to wait to talk to the speech therapist in person. We go to her speech therapy and they say she's only 50-60% intelligible. How?! They just said everything was great. At the appointment they asked if she had trouble sharing. (Nothing they were doing at this appointment had anything to do with sharing) I told them she has issues with sharing certain things. They blamed it on her not being in daycare! Not the fact that she just turned 3.  The whole place seemed like an insurance scam to me so I pulled her after that appointment. I feel like I did the right thing but mom guilt ya know.