Partner changes personality?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating a year and a half, known eachother for three. When I met him he was really sweet and seemed like a very sensible young man. Now time has gone by, we are looking for a house, we are way more comfortable with eachother, we are like family to both of our family members. I know people change and as you get more comfortable with someone you can see who they really are. But he is just very different. He’s an extremely negative person, he has anger issues, he doesn’t make an effort to take care of himself, when I do things for him he isn’t grateful and he doesn’t act like he appreciates me. Sometimes he acts like he can tell me what to do and I have to remind him he isn’t my parent or my husband. I know people change but I feel like this happened when we got closer and more comfortable together. I asked a few of my girlfriends about this and they said it’s a normal relationship milestone. I don’t like this because I feel like this is making me reconsider the relationship, I want to be fair like maybe in case he is going through a hard time or he is stressed or something, I love him very much me he isn’t abusive to me obviously, I don’t want to end a relationship because he is “mean” that just seems kinda silly right?