Size Venting

I’m a very petite woman. My normal weight fluctuates between 122-128lbs and I am 5 feet tall. I usually wear a size 4-6 in clothing. I’ve always been smaller and shorter than most of my peers/coworkers and I never “took pride” in it, but it never bothered me. Until yesterday.

My husband and I went with our son on his very first field trip! We’ve talked about that day for years. We had a blast watching him play with his friends. This was really the first day I’d actually seen and met some of the other moms. They. Are. Gorgeous! And most of them really nice. I couldn’t help but feel a little inferior though because they are all at LEAST 5’6, curvy, and they dressed so nice. I just wore old tennis shoes and leggings because the teachers said it could be muddy outside. I probably looked homeless. Lol I know this is all so silly but my size never bothered me until I met all of them yesterday. Thank you for listening to my rant, and now I just want heels for Christmas. ❤️