Exhausting day…rant


This morning we wake up, eat, get ready to go to the pumpkin patch. On the way there my son gets really fidgety and projectile vomits all over the backseat. I turn the car around, go back home, stripped him down as soon as we got out of the car, wrapped him up in my jacket and got him in the tub. The tub made him sleepy and he fell asleep shortly after. So I set up a baby monitor and go to clean out the car. I took everything out, shampooed, vacuumed, hosed off, then washed the backseat cover and carseat cover. About the time I’m getting the covers in the wash I hear Collin start to call for me and I can tell he’s upset. I smelled it before even opening up the bedroom door, he was sitting in a puddle of diarrhea on his bed. I grabbed a couple towels swooped him up and back to the tub. So he’s cleaned for a second time, I turned on the TV to distract him a minute so I can get the sheets washed. (Thank god for waterproof matrices covers) now everything was thoroughly cleaned and sanitized in my car and Collin’s bedroom. He has just gone back to sleep and I have him in a pull-up and put out an extra large puppy pad on his bed. I am just sitting down eating my first real meal of the day and I’m beat…I think he’s just got a little stomach bug though