Is there a fix to this?

TW! We've been together for 4 years and we have a 2 year old. He constantly want sex and since I had my son I haven't been wanting it. Recently he has been asking it and so I gave it to him due to him constantly asking me and him being always mad if I don't. And I thought it was all good so I went to sleep and in the morning I wake up to my pants down and well him touching me and I've told him before not to do this because i don't like being woken up and especially to sexual stuff without my ok. I told him stop let me sleep. And he says just a little more and I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't. I then started crying from frustration, I kept pulling away. He got mad and said "you act like I'm a stranger raping you". He then got up and started slamming doors. I had just talked to him last night about not liking him touching me in my sleep. But he tells me that I need to wake up early anyway, he says I sleep too much. He not only does this but even randomly thought out the day he tells me let's do things and will pull down his pants and shove it in my face. I will tell him I don't want to but he doesn't care he tells me "just a little". I don't know if I'm just exaggerating but I feel like he should respect the fact that I said no.

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Posted at
He should Def respect your choices but it also sounds like he wants physical affection from you. Have you gotten your hormones checked? Could be the reason why you have no drive and if you are sleeping a lot.


Rhian • Dec 22, 2022
What also could be the reason of the low sex drive is she’s feelin forced to do sexual acts and that will put you off them. He gets the attention he wants when he’s shovin his dick in her face. It sounds like it’s all about him havin his end away. Nah you need out of this relationship. That’s disgusting behaviour and yes rape. Please leave for your own safety and mental health


Posted at
Umm that's rape.. it doesn't have to be a stranger, anything that's not consensual especially when not fully conscious and especially when you've talked about how you don't like being woken up like that before is considered assault. He clearly doesn't respect you and that is also not okay


Posted at
Leave this creep. He just sexually assaulted you.