Update from Faint Lines Chat! STILL in the waiting game.

Sarah • 30 | Mama Bear *CURRENTLY EXPECTING* , 2 Cubs, 4 Losses, Trying for #3

I didn't want to post this update in the Faint Lines chat out of respect. But I wanted to update those who have been following, and maybe start a thread here for what's next.

Earlier this week I posted the Dilemma of my Faint lines.

I did go to the doctor yesterday, our new fertility center (we had a scheduled consultation for next week).

They did an HCg draw to check initial levels, and I should go back in 48 hours to check again.

I was also prescribed progesterone to start taking immediately, which I did begin last night.

I am still spotting on and off. It ranges in color and texture. And I do have mild cramping and discomfort in my uterus and belly.

This morning though---- I got a NEGATIVE FRER DIGI. BUT ALSO THIS.

So... yeah. I'm still absolutely terrified I'm going to miscarry. This would be the third time In a row right around the same time. But I'm refusing to lose hope.

Stick, baby, stick.


Today AF is Due. So by cycle. Id be 4 weeks.