10 1/2 month old went on nursing strike out of nowhere

3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • God's timing is perfect🙏⛪

OK so my daughter is 10 1/2 months old and has been nursing from day one I recently found out that I am pregnant unexpectedly while taking the mini pill anyhow I will be nine weeks tomorrow she was doing really well breast-feeding but today and yesterday would not latch for anything and every time I try to get her to she would get very mad I don’t want to give up because she does not take Formula and will not take a bottle she does however drink a sippy cup with water don’t know how I’m going to get her the nutrition that she needs I am almost positive that she is going to reject the breast from here on out if anybody has gone through this any advice or help would be awesome thank you