How do I know if we're comfortable or sick of each other?


I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 5.5 years, lived together for 4.5, have 3 cats together, and he's the first man I've loved and only one I've ever been with (was a Virgin til 21)

We've always had our problems cause in a lot of ways we are very similar but lately I've found him kinda annoying like all the time. And he says I'm always bitchy.

When things are good, they are amazing and I feel like a princess but when we fight, we're both too stubborn to be wrong so we stay mad til we forget and nothing really gets resolved. When we do try to talk, he gets defensive about everything and sometimes mean.

There's a couple issues that worry our long-term compatibility:

1) he's didn't want kids but lately seems semi interested except the part where he would actually take care of it (changing mostly cause he has a 'weak stomach')

2) he and my mom HATE each other

3) he acts like I'm his mom a lot of the time and "needs" me to do simple things cause he "doesn't know how"

How do you know when things are coming to the end? How do I walk away after nearly 6 years and multiple pets? Every part of our life intertwined (pets, bills, family kinda)