6 weeks 4days light pink on tissue

Vanessa • 33. UC remission, fibromyalgia and arthritis warrior. Happily Married. Mother to a 10yr old daughter. miscarried baby #2 after 13 mnts of trying..finally pregnant with my rainbow after 5 years of trying.

Hi y’all, I’m 6 weeks 4 days today. I had a miscarriage about 5 years ago. Took be about that long to try and get pregnant again with this miracle baby so I’m super nervous. I had a little bit of pink when I wiped earlier. It wasn’t a lot of but it was noticeable. I have my first apt in 7 days. I’ll be 7weeks 4days. I called the drs and was told it’s normal for light pink unless its red and a lot then go to er.

I just want reassurance that this is normal. My husband told me not to get out of bed. Maybe I over did myself yesterday. I’m just praying for the best but soo scared of the worst again…. Sorry just needed a little rant.. thank you