I'm freaking out 😱


My last missed period was 9/6/22. My cycles range from 28-35 days. I only had sex on 9/21/22 and didn't get a positive ovulation test until 9/22/22. I wasn't trying to get pregnant so I didn't have sex for over a week. I found out I was pregnant on 10/8/22. I went in last week for an early scan and a fetal pole was detected but she said I was measuring earlier than what I was thinking. She had me come back today for a repeat scan and she said I was measuring 5w6 days and could see the heart beat. It was only 93 bpm but she said not to panic because it's still really early.....

So here I am completely panicking about the heart beat and I don't understand how I can only be 5w6d according to all the dates above. Is this adding up to anyone? Anyone have a similar experience? This was a sneak peek ultrasound place. I sent a message to my actual OB but waiting to hear. Can anyone give me reassurance?