Doctor isn't hopeful

Hi ladies, just want to vent a bit. TW abortion is briefly mentioned.

After a three month wait, I finally got to see a new doctor who, after posting looking for a few recommendations locally, many has recommended as being the "go to" doctor for Laparoscopy and Endometriosis.

I showed her my HSG from earlier this year and explained my symptoms and she isn't very hopeful regarding the stage of my tubes. My tubes are completely, completely, COMPLETELY blocked. Not a single miniscule drop of the contrast got through. I explained my symptoms to her (including the infertility, but mostly the pain during my periods and the way they have gotten very heavy and clotty over the last year or so).

My biggest fear is that my tubes are beyond saving and she has to remove them. I am going to be DEVASTATED if she does that. I had an abortion when I was 17 and it took me 13 YEARS to finally feel like I'm in a good enough place to have a child, and now years later we're still struggling. If I blew my chance to have a child then I don't even know how to cope with that (please be kind. I was a 17 year old girl still in school, in a third world country, with parents who were already struggling financially. It really was not the time for a child).

My procedure is booked for the 2nd December 2022. Having a Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy.

Please send tons and tons and tons of good luck this way.

@Realist it's too expensive. Medical doesn't pay for ANYTHING related to fertility so 99% of the treatment so far has already been out of pocket. To freeze here costs 50k for the procedure. That's about $3000/ £2400