Being critical

My husband just has been nit picking all week. I'm pregnant and with a toddler and just tired. The house is not a mess and I have food ready and do everything to make my family happy despite how I've been feeling. No I'm not perfect. But he complains about the dishes and he said he'd do them but now because I didn't listen to his method of how to do dishes. He has to do them? He doesn't do any cleaning or cooking and that's ok. He helps with our son and if I need help I'll ask. Just the smallest things. I was exhausted one morning and he was scoffing and lecturing me like I'm a child because I accidentally dropped lint on the floor. I didn't even realize that. Then I'm asking what he wants for dinner ans starts saying why don't you take out the meat as if I'm dumb. He just wanted to say something to me. And I told him I am but I'm talking about tonight . What does he want that is defrosted or already made. I'm getting really irritated because there's a bigger list of the small stuff he says and I just got upset and he says stop being mad. I'm frustrated and my feet are swelling up. Then he told me something because I went grocery shopping bymyself and I didn't get cookies. And that I should know that he likes cookies or sweets. I called him and asked him if he wanted anything special and it was a long day and I got everything we needed. I didn't even think about it. Now I'm being made felt guilty. I went to sit down because I can't help him at the moment when I'm stressed. And now I can hear him complain about everything in the kitchen when there really isn't anything to complain about. It isn't perfect but the house is clean, we have food and we are healthy. What should I say or should I ignore ?

And I go

kay down