Not sure if feeling movement?

Sam • Baby boy #1 March 20 2018💙💙,Baby boy #2 October 16 2020💙💙,Baby girl #3 May 3 2023💗💗 Baby girl #4 Due January 18 2025 💗💗

I’m 11 weeks and 5 days today this is my 3rd baby each pregnancy I felt movements earlier and earlier my first was around 18 weeks second was around 14-16 weeks and for the past two or three days at super random times I’ve been feeling these small popping bubble kind of feelings really low down by my pelvic bone I’m not sure if it’s gas or if it’s baby moving? My placentas also anterior from what I was told so I have doubt that it’s baby but it also feels like the first movements that I felt in my other two pregnancies