HCG levels

Mary🤍✨ • Trying for our girl🤞🏻 Mom of 2 boys and a step son💙

Okay so some back story. My friend is currently 4(almost 5) weeks pregnant. She’s been having some really bad issues with bleeding so I took her to the hospital and they did all the exams and what not and told her she has subchorionic hemorrhage and to just relax and wear a pad to monitor her bleeding. Well she called and woke me up last night saying she was bleeding super heavy so I told her to go to er now. She said the doctors were very vague on the info but said her levels went from 7,000(a week ago) to 3,000hcg last night and her cervix is open and for her to come back in in a few days to be checked again. I’ve never gone thru this with my two kids and neither has she with her two. So I told her I would post in a few of my groups to get possible understanding for her. So if this has ever happened to you any info would be awesome. Thank you! 🤍

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