Please help


For years I have had this feeling in my head that has gotton worse and it’s really frustrating me now. It’s like my mind is blank all the time and I feel completely stupid. I feel dizzy and drained and tired even tho I get more than enough sleep every day. The simplest way to explain it is that I feel like I’m daydreaming; you know that feeling u get when your daydreaming and you can see and hear everything but ur mind is just not there and everything feels blurry, that’s exactly how I feel except I feel it 24/7 and it never goes away. Some days when it’s worse I zone out a lot. I have trouble concentrating and it affects so many things such as communication, studying/reading (feels like I’m reading the words and they are just bouncing off of my ears and it makes no sense even the most simple things) and also my self confidence. My anxiety has gone through the roof and this has a big part to play in that and I just want it to go away. I’ve talked to my parents about it for years as it was getting worse and they just tell me they don’t know or tell me it’s nothing and it will fade but it’s just getting worse and they make me feel like I’m overreacting and should just ignore it but I really cant it’s affecting me so so much and I just want to know what it is and how to help it

Has anyone ever had this feeling or know what it could be?