Faint positive ? What do you think


Hello all I guess the best way for me to start off is to get straight to it I had sex on the 7th(the day after my last period )8th and 10th (both days were in my fertile window) of this month I had unprotected sex a baby was the goal so this isn’t an accident or incident it’s been roughly 2-3 weeks this morning I felt a little sick but I didn’t think much about it my s/o suggested taking a test I figured it was too soon to tell so I didn’t really care to take one I took the first response 6 days sooner test it’s supposed to detect 6 days before missed period my period is supposed to be here anywhere from the 30th to the first week of November

I did use the first pee of the morning to take the test I see a second line but it’s really faint I figured it’s bc it’s so early IF I am I’d only be about 2 weeks it being a evap line did cross my mind but those only appear if you wait longer than a certain window of time to look this line was there the second I flipped the test over within 3-5 minutes I’ve took test before that have been negative and this line has never appeared before I did take a clearblue later in the day and it was negative but the box did say if it was still early I may get a negative and still be pregnant ALSO if I am this early my hcg levels would hardly be detected so my first pee of the day would more likely be my best sample but I jus need more opinions ladies help

P.s. ik I should be trying to get an appointment but it’ll be another week before I can go