Could this be our month?? LONG POST SORRY


So i have had a very strange month this cycle…

Glow predicted my ovulation day and usually its pretty spot on…except for this cycle…i got so fed up with stressing about ovulation tests that we stopped doing them last month…no luck…so i said lets just go with it thus month too and see what happens…but on the 19th something told me i had to do them…so i caved and bought my usual brand..i did one and the line was quite dark but my ovulation date was supposed to be the 24th…i did another that evening and it was still dark…i did one every morning after that up to the 25th and they just got lighter and lighter…so I concluded i had ovulated early…

Weirdly we had BD on the 17-18-19-20-21st

I also realised my OH had seen a triple rainbow on the 20th(which could have been my ovulation day)

He bought me a scratchcard a few days later and i won on it…i NEVER win on them stupid things and i never buy them.

I am now 9dpo and had some red spotting at 7dpo,i feel slightly sickly on and off,my boobs are tender but not really sore and i have had weird pains in my sides and lower abdomen on and off

I’m too scared to test because i have had 3 chemicals and a miscarriage before.

What do you guys think????

UPDATE…i started AF so try again this month 😞🤞🤞

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Posted at
I understand being hesitant to test, for sure. But there’s only one way to find out if you’re pregnant or not… my personal opinion would be to try to wait until the day of your expected period, and then test. Baby dust!


Posted at
Wow. I feel i could have written a good chunk of this post. My opk's showed i ovulated the 19th of Oct. Day 16 of my cycle. How was off it's prediction by like a week. In any case, following my opk's along w checking my cervical mucus, day 19 was definitely BD day. My husband and i got busy the 19th & 20th. I wish I'd of knotti get busy on the 18th also, but i was really trusting glow's predictions, along w the preMom app ...but this month bc of my religious opk testing, again, along w tracking my cervical mucus, i believe the past months I've been actively TTC, which would be August, Sept & now Oct, i now know both apps were way off. Glow by a full wk & preMom by almost 2 wks. Crazy. I'm VERY hopeful for this cycle, I'm currently 11 dpo. But I'm so excited to have accurate stats for when I ovulate & now know to follow my opk's & that awesome egg white cervical mucus. I feel very empowered.In any case, I've had some acid reflux along w a tiny bit of nausea, literally for one day. Totally weird. But that's it. Waiting for the day of this supposed next cycle to come around in 3-4 days to test. I tested at day 10 po & nothing. But I'm cautiously optimistic 😇Suffered a miscarriage at 10 wks this past July, and i turned 40 last i am REALLY trusting God for my miracle 🌈 baby 🙏🤍 😇PRAYING for you & the other ladies awaiting their BFP &&&& VERY sticky babies. In Jesus'name. AMÉN.😇🙏🌈🤍🌈🙏😇


Posted at
I say test when you want to! Due to our age I would test and if it’s negative wait a few days and retest. I’ve had a miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy and my OB wants me to come in to the office for a blood test the day I am positive so he can confirm and start me on progesterone immediately so hopefully I will have a viable pregnancy. I’m 42 and have been trying for a year. No previous pregnancies.


Posted at
Following because I’m in the exact same boat (although going into dpo 11 with all kinds of preggo symptoms)!! 🤞