I'm expierencing some cramping could I be lucky and maybe be pregnant?

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Could be the start of implantation but that usually and mostly occurs 6-12DPO and your app says you are only 3, but did you 99% know if you ovulated that day?


🖤Geraldine💀 • Oct 30, 2022
That doesn't mean you're gonna be showing pregnancy symptoms 3 days past ovulation. That's not how it works.


Sa • Oct 30, 2022
Yes I did, I took a test and sperm last 5 days in the woman's body


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Your cramps are due to an increase of progesterone/estrogen from ovulation. It’s nothing pregnancy related until around the time you period would be due if implantation occurs.


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Too early. It's likely ovulation related


🖤Geraldine💀 • Oct 30, 2022
They're called ovulation cramps...if they started when you ovulated then that makes total sense.


Sa • Oct 30, 2022
How is that possible if I've been having these cramps for a couple of days now i ovulated a couple of days ago...