Best menstrual cups for low cervix?


I've been a menstrual cup user for about 10 years. I'm 2.5 years postpartum and after giving birth, my body has changed significantly and I now have a low cervix. I used to swear by the Saalt cup, but it isn't working for me anymore. Most of the time I can't get it in the right position. I need to have it at a crazy angle now, which was never the case before giving birth. Sometimes I can't even get it to open up. Often it feels like it won't fit in there. I usually have to wear pads because it's inevitably in wrong and it's a bloody mess. It's become so frustrating and every month my period is really stressful because of it. I can't possibly go back to tampons after using menstrual cups for so long. I've tried and they are so uncomfortable for me now. Pads make me feel like canceling all plans and staying in for the duration of my period because I get such a heavy flow. Does anyone have any recommendations for good menstrual cups to use with a low and/or tilted cervix? I appreciate any help! Thanks!