Endometriosis — How Long For You To Be Diagnosed?


From onset of first symptoms (urinary, bowel, painful periods, chest/shoulder pain, etc)…

🤍 - Within the first year

💛 - More than 1 year but less than 5 years

🧡 - More than 5 years but less than 10 years

🤎 - More than 10 years but less than 20 years

🖤 - More than 20 years

Also, interested in if you have any of the common comorbidities…

💜 - Adenomyosis (either suspected or confirmed)

💕 - Uterine Fibroids

🟡 - Interstitial Cystitis

🌪 - POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)

“Fun” Facts…

* It takes someone an AVERAGE of 8-10 years to be diagnosed with endometriosis

* You are 7-10x more likely to have endometriosis if a first degree relative has the disease

* Endometriosis is NOT the endometrium, and neither a hysterectomy nor an oophrectomy (removal of one/both ovaries) will stop or treat endometriosis

* 80% of those with uterine fibroids also have endometriosis

* Neither birth control nor GRNH antagonist drugs (e.g. Lupron) will slow or stop endometriosis. It may alleviate endometriosis pain temporarily, but it can still be doing just as much damage!