Strong pregnancy symptoms, no positive test


So I'm due AF in one day, and I feel so sick and

have the worst headache. I can't stand any

smells to the point I've just broke down in tears

because my boyfriend did the loudest fart and I

dreaded smelling it so it made me cry. My boobs

slightly hurt in the mornings, my cervix feels

different and I'm not dry like I usually am this

time of the month. Did anybody just KNOW they

was pregnant and just had to wait for the test to

appear positive? I've done two already and they

have the faintest lines that could just be

considered evap lines (this morning and 2 days

ago). I dont know my dpo, I think I ovulated late

and could be about 9 to 10DPO at most. I’ve also felt twinges I swear aren’t usual