Who has told their families their expecting?


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I’ve told my husband and that’s it. Everyone else will hopefully find out once I give birth.


Jasmine • Nov 2, 2022


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We’ve told my youngest son who lives with us and each our best friends. Besides that, we are waiting to tell others since I’m high risk.


Katrina • Nov 24, 2022
I told my husband first, then relatives, and then my parents and sister at my wedding a few weeks ago. Mom didn't take it too well but the rest were so excited!!!


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Just our mothers. We have suffered thru 2 losses and a chemical already this year so we’ve decided to wait until Christmas to announce (I’ll be 14 weeks)


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We aren't telling family this time, but all of our friends know. My family isn't in the picture and his mother and sisters did not react well when told about baby 3 or 4 so he has opted to not tell them about baby 5. Lots of "that's a lot of kids" comments for months coming from someone who has 3 herself and is the youngest of 5. They are halfway across the country from us and his mother is still not talking to me because our 5 year old yelled at her for not doing what she wanted her to do when she visited 1.5 years ago. She blamed me and is now to scared to speak me. They will find out probably at Easter if his sister actually visits for my oldest's First Holy Communion otherwise it will be a birth announcement.


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Just immediate family (both sets of parents)


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Kind of? My mom found out because she visited while I was puking all day 🤮But we're waiting to tell everyone else after a 12 week ultrasound.