Super confused and long post

I’m sorry I don’t know how to ask or explain what’s going on with me. I started spotting Sunday the 23rd, it started bright red and then decreased to light pink on and off and only when I wiped. I informed my ob she wasn’t concerned since it was on and off spotting and I had no pain. I went in for an ultrasound last Thursday on the 27th. Went in thinking I was 7 weeks 4 days but the scan showed no baby and the sac measured 5 weeks 5 days. I was also told I had a small hemorrhage under the sac. Well Saturday night I started I started passing some clots with bright red blood, but again only when I wiped. I ended up going to the E.R Sunday morning because I had no one to leave my daughter with the night before, my partner was working. He took me in when he got home from work. I was told my cervix was closed which was a good sign and was able to see a fetal pole. The heart rate was 89 and was told that was low. They also said the hemorrhage was no longer visible in the scan. I was also told I still had a chance os miscarriage due to the bleeding. 3 hours after coming home I started to pass more clots and was bleeding this time filled a pad half way in about 2 hours. What’s concerning is the last clot I passed. I haven’t had anymore clots since that one, only like clear discharge with some blood either red or pink. I’m so sorry this is super long but I guess my question is, has anyone had clots like this before? Is this uterine lining due to the hemorrhage

or a miscarriage? I informed my ob’s clinic today about what happened but was told since I wasn’t heavy bleeding and not filling up pads to wait for my next appointment which is on Nov 11th. Unless I start to bleed heavily then go to the E.R. This is the pic of the clot, and I’m sorry if it’s TMI. I also apologize if I make no sense I’m just confused and don’t know how to explain.