everything looking okay?

xo • 29 | Oct 2023 🍼 | July 2021 👼 | Dec 2022 👼 |

how are things looking?

previous pregnancy - ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy of unknown location). slow and low rising hcg, never rose above 48. a week long bleed (felt and looked just like a period). treated with methotrexate. no symptoms.

this pregnancy - no bleeding, normal rising hcg, currently 4w 5d

hcg 1 - 42

hcg 2 - 131

hcg 3 - 576

I do get the occasional cramping in my uterus, constipation, tender breasts & nipples, heightened smell. sometimes I feel the occasional cramp in my sides, but I feel like it may just be gas. it still worries me though due to my previous pregnancy.

I was told I could possibly schedule first US at 1500 hcg which would be relatively soon (at this rate) but I’m just so worried. I’m on progesterone suppositories (it was 15).

I don’t know what I’m asking for, maybe just someone who can give me a success story or reassurance. I still have 2 more beta tests. the anxiety is crippling on test days. ❤️‍🩹