Positive pregnancy test 5 weeks after chemical abortion?

So I did a medical ( pill ) abortion September 26th. I did the first pull orally and the next 4 pills I did vaginally about an hour after the first medication. I started bleeding about 5 hours or so after that. Heavy bleeding for a few hours then I stopped and was just spotting. Iv been spitting/ bleeding off and on between moderate and light for the whole 5 weeks ( still bleeding ). I called planned parenthood a few days ago and they said it’s normal to still be bleeding and not to worry about it. After taking the pills it wasn’t long after that I lost all my pregnancy symptoms and felt normal and not pregnant. ( I was super  nauseous and tender breasts before meditation.) all went away.

After like 3 weeks I took a pregnancy test and it was still positive but I wasn’t worried bc they said not to test till it’s been 5 weeks. So I took a test on oct 31st and the test was still positive! Not even faintly, still dark pink line. Planned parenthood is closed now cause it’s night so I can’t call them but I just went over the paperwork and it definitely says to take a pregnancy test in 5 weeks. Should I be concerned it’s still very positive? Could it be left over hormones? Or possibly an incomplete abortion? Or possibly still pregnant?

Also the first medication mifepristone was a large pill and I have difficulty taking pills to I cut it in half ( it’s a powder type pill) and I just googled that and it says to not split, or crush, the pill. But I don’t think that should matter? Anyways yes I know will have to contact them and get an ultrasound and stuff but does anyone have any ideas while I sit here and panic

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