Late hcg?


So in Aug 2018 I had my lmp September came and I never got my period I started testing the second week of September because I just felt off and the bleeding I had in august wasn’t a normal period it was implantation spotting on Sept 28th I had a horrible migraine I was throwing up I had a 3yr old 2yr old and a 7-8 month old at the time so feeling like that I had to go in well they run test all negative fast forward it’s Oct 2nd and I’m feeling off I almost pass out with my son in my arms my I’m throwing up water can’t keep anything down so my neighbor calls 911 the paramedics are like ma’am are u pregnant and I tell them no I just was tested less then a week ago I’m not sure what’s happening get to the hospital the nurse ask me the same then she’s like I see they just tested u and it was negative but we have to re take just to be safe we’ll sure enough I was 7 weeks pregnant baby was a lil jelly bean on ultrasound and everything…

So the reason I am bringing this up is because I had my lmp the end of august but I ovulated late like September 6th anyways I haven’t had my period and it’s November and all test are negative

Can this be the same and it’s to early to test or should I just make an appointment with my ob