Yeast infection



I already have a yeast infection and my gnyo office shut down I don’t have any gyno out here that will get me unless I’m willing to wait 4 months. I am 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant what can I do to to get rid of this yeast infection

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Posted at
If you’re going to buy monistat you need to brace yourself for the pain. Just warning you. Maybe you could see your General practitioner? That’s where I got my pills from when I had a YI.


Ch • Nov 2, 2022
Do you have an urgent care maybe?


Savanna • Nov 2, 2022
I literally don’t have any doctors on it here I’ve been trying to get into some and everything is booked out 3-4 months the only option to get care fast is the er and they are not going to do anything about it other then tell me to go to The gyno or pcp


Posted at
Just take monistat 7. Not the one or three day but the 7 day. It cures most yeast infections and is safe during pregnancy. My ob recommends monistat 7. There might be some stinging/pain but it's a normal side effect and less bothersome with the 7 day than the other options. A walk in clinic may be able to help you if monistat doesn't work


Posted at
Monistat 7 is safe!So when you go to pick, choose the box that is the 7 day treatment and not the 3 day treatment


Posted at
In the UK we can go to a pharmacist for minor healthComplaints and they will be able to prescribe medicines- can you do that in the states? Like, in Boots or big supermarkets like Walmart?


Rebecca • Nov 2, 2022
Oh ours are allowed to in England! How weird... not all pharmacists can though..


Savanna • Nov 2, 2022
Pharmacist can not prescribe medication but can tell you what to use over the counter but the pharmacist told me that I have to get tested for a yeast infection wasn’t much help cause there no where for me to get tested at