Best temporary birth control options

The Little Mermaid

I’m turning 29 soon and NEVER been on BC in my life. I was always against it from horror stories about acne, weight gain and depression. I already have all these issues without BC so I’d hate to experience worse of it. I have a 3 year old but want to start BC asap because I’m tired of taking the Plan B pill about 4 times a year whenever my husband wants to cum inside. It’s expensive and messes up my cycles so I decided to think about BC. We want to try for another baby in the next two years or so when our son is in elementary school. I’d like something that I can easily get off of and won’t have issues getting pregnant. I was TTC my son for 8 months and was never on BC but now I am really trying to avoid pregnancy for the moment. Just don’t want my fertility messed up because of BC.