4 year old parenting advise?😅😬☹️

We have two children. One 2 and one 4. So quite honestly, I’m not sure if it’s common for children her age or if it’s just her.

First of all, when she was younger, I almost suspected maybe something was going on. One day, when she was 18 months old, she woke up and was basically a whole different child. I said it was terrible twos. But she screamed all the time, and when she would get angry she would pull her own hair, or she would bang her head on the floor or the wall. She would go into these screaming spells and you couldn’t touch her. I would try to hold her and console her but she wouldn’t want anything to do with you. I figured that was all normal behavior. I kept waiting for it start with our youngest as well but she never was like that, yet atleast. I know all children are different though.

But she is almost five and she still throws SEVERAL tantrums a day. Quite honestly, I don’t even know how to disappoint when she is doing something she shouldn’t, like being mean to her sister. I’ve tried for so long to tell her she needs to tell me how’s she feeling instead of treating her that way or her pushing. Sometimes I just cry my eyes out and tell my husband that I try to hard to raise decent human beings and I preach the same thing every day buts not sticking and it seems like no matter what I do, she’s still going to be mean to her sister, or talk back to me. Today, they where playing with Magnatiles and she took them from her sister after I totally to her when she said “when you drop them I’m gonna take them all”. She took them anyway and I put her in time out. She started screaming at me as loud as she can, telling me I’m being mean to her. And when I tell her she will be punished until she can settle down and we can talk, she just says “I’m not” or “I’m not punished. I’m not going to be punished”. I tell her not to talk back and I’ve explained what talking back is more times than I can count. I will say “you need to stop speaking to me that way, you’re talking back and that’s not acceptable” and she said “I’m not” and I say “you are, arguing with me is talking back” and she will just keep going if I tell her she is. It doesn’t stop. If I tell her she can’t do this or that, like go over to our friends house (we’re friends with their parents and the girls have been friends since they where almost 2) she says “I am going!”. When I wake her up for school in the morning, we go through about three tantrums before we even get out the door. Part of me feels like this is all normal with her age but part of me feels things like the tantrums and such maybe would have settled down being she will be five soon. Please no rude comments. I’m really trying the best I can and would just like some insight on maybe how I can help. Maybe someone knows something else I can try. I already feel like I’m failing as a parent most of the time so I really don’t need someone else to say it🙃😪😓