Twin pregnancy pain at 35 weeks


This is my second pregnancy but my first twin pregnancy. I am so grateful to have made it to 35 weeks, but oh my goodness. I was so fit and active with my daughter but haven’t been able to exercise with this pregnancy due to nausea, fatigue and looking after my first. Today everything hurts. Laying on my side hurts my ribs. Standing hurts my groin. My feet feel like the bones across the ball have splayed and I can hardly move. Sitting hurts my hips. I just don’t know how to make things more tolerable. Looking to see if anyone else feels or felt this, when did you deliver? I am really ready for these babies but I worry it’s still too early and want to avoid any NICU stays for them. This will be my last pregnancy so I want to enjoy it but the enjoyment just hasn’t been easy to find. Twin pregnancy is just vastly different.