Military spouse

I posted yesterday about how I want to return to the military and I would like my bf to come with me. We’d get married (that was always my intention; not forced by the military). His main concern as of now is what he’d be doing while we’re stationed out of our state/country and I’m working. Is it possible for him to get a job? Would there be things around to keep him busy? I’m scared that he’d be bored out of his mind and start to resent me. We would like to have kids someday but he is not the stay at home dad type, he would not like that. I just want to make sure that he has something to do.

- I told my bf that I was posting this and he said ok. He also wants to know what he’d be able to do if he comes with me. He’s *considering* coming. I am NOT forcing him so no, don’t ask me “DoEs He WaNT to?” Im NOT forcing him. We are looking for perspective!!!

- what kind of jobs can he work? He owns a commercial van if that helps.